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Giving in Honor of Someone

When you make a donation in honor of someone, the person being honored will receive a letter notifying him or her of the honor as well as the name of the donor (no amount is noted). The honoree’s name will be listed in a kiosk at the entrance to the Bridge of Flowers, on this page, and in our annual report for the year in which the donation is made and for two following years.


Donations in honor of someone may be made in any amount. If several donations are made to honor the same person, however, the name will appear only once in the various listings.






Gifts in Honor of

Carol Angus

Ethan Dreyfuss

Angus and Laurel Dun

Rachel Gunther

Rick & Doreen Leskowitz

David Schochet

​Patty Smythe


Gifts in Honor of

Car & Joe Bart

Angus & Laurel Dun

Hindell Grossman & Brad Smith

Kip Moeller
Max Spinner


Gifts in
Honor of

Carol Angus

Carol DeLorenzo
Shari and Ethan Dreyfuss

Andrew Olson Evans & Ava Marinelli
Mary Dennihan Gionet

Pam Kelleher

Peggy March

Debra Mozill
Dorothy Steier

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